Monday, August 31, 2015

Growth Mindset

I have never heard Carol Dweck and her mindset before but i thought it was pretty enlightening. It reminded about this post on Reddit I read a couple months ago about a father who would praise his son not for his kid's smarts of strength but for  their hard work. When I transferred to OU my growth mindset dipped alot. I realized during summer classes I started to make more time for studying and that helped me organize time for school, helping family and friends, working out, and practicing basketball. The first thing I learned at OU was that time is the most valuable thing. Scheduling what you need to get done and what you want to do is the by far the most important thing for a college student. I would love to learn more about growth mindset and start activated. The fact that i can improve myself is always welcomed with open arms. I like the reading and writing challenges because they want us to explore new ways to do these tasks. Right now my goal is to find the perfect balance for school, studying for the MCAT, working out, practicing sports, and hanging with friends, Im not worried about any class this semester just studying the MCAT.
                                        (GrowthMindset, Source: SylvaDucksWorth)


  1. The first thing I noticed while reading your post about Growth Mindset is that you did not capitalized your “I” Davis! Yeah I am going through the same thing. I need to find more time to study for my MCAT. It is coming at me sooner than I thought. Finding a balance between school, friends, work and other aspects of life is very hard. Then again, things will not come to us easily.

  2. I agree it is hard to find time to work on your hobbies outside of school and work (considering I have three jobs and I'm graduating this semester = STRESS!) I also like the photo you chose. The second point between "I'm awesome at this" and "I'm on the right track" is very important, I believe. If someone thinks they are perfect at a certain thing, they will never try harder. It is important to know that people can always learn and improve!

  3. Davis, I'm in the same boat as you. Balancing time for everything, including the MCAT, studying, work, exercising, church, volunteering, and family and friends is pretty difficult... But doable! We both just need to continue to have a positive mindset to find success in order to keep us going! Good luck, you can definitely do it!
