Thursday, August 27, 2015


Hello! My name is Davis. I like doing a lot of things. One of my biggest hobbies is playing basketball. This first started when I was eight years old and my parents signed me up for a pee wee basketball team. Even though we were not the best team, we had a great time playing ball. Another hobby I like doing is working out, Its a great way to shift away from studying. It makes you self push to your physical limits and allows you to grow past them.

Music is one thing in my life I cant live without. When i was ten years old, I was burning CDs and listening to my walkman all day. During that time I only listened to three different bands and artists. My favorite was the Red Hot Chili Peppers, specifically their song Snow and Under the Bridge. The other musicians I listen too was Eminem and Linkin park.

I transferred to University of Oklahoma to study Biochemistry, Since I kid, I have always dreamed what I would do when I grow up. At first I wanted to astronaut then I wanted  to be a vet. Now I have fully set my sights on becoming a doctor. There was really two things that put me on this course. For one, you got to help people. I think that people always deserve two chances and your contributions can give a person a second chance at everything he or she has ever done. Secondly, I always loved taking things apart when I was kid. What ever it was my toys, my brothers stuff, or my dads tools I wanted to see how they worked. In my eyes, the most complicated thing that we have is us. I really want two see just how everything works. How our nerves tell our brains to move, how we feel and everything else we do.
                                                             (Me Source: My photos)


  1. Hi Davis, don't forget to use the Declaration as a checklist to make sure you are done with this post, and check the story also to make sure it is done and send me an email when they are both ready to go. You'll find the Declaration in the blue box at the bottom of the bottom of the instructions for each assignment.

  2. Thanks for getting the intro post finished up, Davis - and that spirit of taking things apart and seeing how they work is perfect for storytelling too! In fact, there is this really cool thing I had shared in the announcements, "The Periodic Table of Story Elements," and if you go to the live version, each of those "elements" is linked to a website which explains how the element works in a story along with examples of stories (myths, movies, television, all kinds of stories) that use that element. Of course, stories are not as predictable as chemical reactions... they are as unpredictable as people are! But I bet you will be able to use that same curious for taking things apart to take apart some stories in this class and see how they work. Very cool! Here is the table of elements:
    Periodic Table of Storytelling Elements

  3. Hello Davis. I had always wanted to be a doctor too but it turns out that I don't want to spend so much time in school. It takes so much dedication so I think it is awesome that you plan to do that. I also think its cool how you like to take stuff apart. My son and my nephew are constantly doing that but they can never figure out how to put things back together after. Well, good luck with this semester!

  4. Hi Davis! Basketball is a great hobby. I remember playing for a few years when I was younger. It was a good change of pace compared to playing baseball all the time. I really like how you want to become a doctor. It’s a long and difficult journey but also one that is very rewarding. I have an uncle who is a doctor and it’s always nice being able to visit him and hear some of his stories.

  5. It is nice to meet you Davis! It's awesome that you work out. I've recently started lifting weights at the gym; I agree that working out is a nice change of pace. I also enjoy the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I'm actually listening to them now, thanks to your recommendation. They are my roommate's favorite band, so I hear them on repeat pretty often. I also enjoy taking things apart, but I decided on engineering instead of medicine. You have great opportunity to help people! I hope you are enjoying the class so far.

  6. Hi Davis it is nice to meet you! I could tell from your story this week that you really enjoy basketball! I used to play when I was in middle school, I stopped in high school because I began to focus more on swimming. I admire that you want to be a doctor. It really is a noble profession. All of my family is in the medical field, so I understand how much work you will have to put into it. I'm sure you will do great!

  7. That's awesome you want to become a doctor eventually! That is a lot time and money to commit to obtaining your MD, I don't think I could sacrifice that much for my profession. Do you have any idea which field of medicine you would like to practice in? I am a senior studying biomedical engineering and I would like to get in to tissue engineering some day, I like it because you do not have to go to medical school in order to do it!

  8. I definitely have fond memories of sporting teams from when I was a kid and I can relate to not being the best. Personally I enjoy Linkin Park and Eminem as well, but I have not really looked in to Red Hot Chili Peppers. A second chance in life is such a blessing I cannot tell you the number of times that I deserved one thing and got another, but those are stories for another time. I wish you the best in your pursuit of your MD!

  9. Hey Davis, I totally agree with you on working out. Sometimes it's nice to have that place where it just takes you away and all you can focus on is pushing yourself harder! I like to listen to a little Eminem every now and then too, I especially think it's fun to listen to his earlier music where he sounds so young and unfortunate. I think it's great that you want to be a doctor, for me it just takes way too much time and effort but it's also not in my skill set either, so good for you!

  10. Hey Davis! I played basketball in middle school and some high school. Although I enjoyed the rush of the sport, I don’t think it was as fun as pee wee basketball sounds. I participated in a soccer league as a kid and have fonder memories of that, even though we had no clue what we were doing and just ran around in circles all day. Working out is a great way to balance the body with the mind. I feel like some many student’s put off their health during college and have to pay for it after. Good for you being able to take care of your health and hopefully in the future, take care of the health of others.

  11. Hi Davis! It's cool to hear you found a passion in basketball, and I totally agree that working out is such a good break from studying. I've started running stairs at the stadium for that reason! Your mind sounds like it works like an engineer's as well! I've found a lot of STEM students grew up with a love of figuring out how things worked, and it's awesome yours led to biochemistry and being a doctor.

  12. Hello Davis! I think biochemistry as an undergraduate degree is a great way to lead to your medical career. It can really help your application stand out and it sounds like a good fit considering the way your mind works! Do you know what kind of doctor you want to be? There are so many possiblities. It is definitely an exciting career!

  13. Hello, Davis, I enjoyed reading about your interests and hobbies. Your reasons for wanting to become a doctor are really intriguing. I wish you the best of luck with that! I enjoy working out as well and generally try to go to the gym every day, but sometimes school and work get in the way, so it's great that you really enjoy exercise. I hope you are enjoying this course. Good luck!

  14. So while I was reading your introduction it reminded me that the other day my capstone professor threatened to make us listen to Linkin Park if we ever plagiarized in his class. I liked your reasoning for wanting to become a doctor. Most people want to for money or for helping people, but the fact that you admit you want to know how we work says a lot about your personality. Nice to meet you!

  15. Hiiiiii Davis! First I just want to say that I really like the blue design you chose for your blog. Ever since i've known you, you've always been playing ball with the guys. Music is also something I cannot live without. I know you will make an amazing physician one day. I think you have very viable reasons for becoming a physician. Most people do it for money but I can see that you have a drive and passion for pursuing your dreams. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  16. Hey Davis! Those are both great hobbies! I too enjoy working out, it's nice to be able to focus on something that is not school or work! I think it's awesome that you want to be a doctor despite all the schooling it will take! I think it's a great time to be in the medical field with all the new advances in medicine! Great to meet you Davis!

  17. Hi Davis,
    It sounds like you have an active lifestyle and keep busy with your major. I liked your reasoning for becoming a doctor. Giving people a second chance is a good reason to become a doctor. I also wanted to become a astronaut when I was growing up. Who knows we still may become astronauts. Good luck at medical school.

  18. Hello Davis!
    I love your ideology when it comes to taking things apart. I find myself also fascinated with the human body and how it works. That's probably why I chose my career path. I also hope to become a doctor. Working out is always a good option for me to destress when school becomes too much for me. I always feel at ease after a good workout!
