Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The Wilson's version of Mahabharata is depiction of a battle go a dived royal family rather than a battle like the original. As we know Pandu was the king before his blind brother Dhritarashtra. After panda dies his brother takes the throne and the Pandu's are hated by Duryodhana. The princes are trained by drone. Struggle between the two faction show, while Arjuna one of the Panduavas archery skills are shown. Arujuna and Karna meet. As you can the seed the Wilson summarizes the version pretty well and focuses on the interaction between the characters. I liked the version better than the original Mahabharata because It was easier to read. His version cut out a lot of the backstory of some characters but that also made it less confusing. Like in Ramayana , there were too many characters in the original. He cut it down to the basic characters the Pandavas, Duryodhana, Draupadi, and Drona which added to the easier reading.  However he does forget to mention some major events. At the end the death of Krishna by the hunter and that the Pandavas and Raupdi choose to give there thrown to the grandson of Arujuna.  Also by cutting out things some acts like oath of revenge for Draupadi after the gamble match aren't as serious as they are in the original.

(Pandavas and Draupadi, Websource: iereadingguides.blogspot)

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