Wednesday, November 4, 2015

week 11: Reading diary

I noticed that these books only cover major parts f the story. the last one covered the tournament between the kandavas and pandavas. Book II covered the whole marriage of Arujun and Draupadi. However they stopped before a critical part. They left out that the promise from the mother to the sons. I think it basically said they would share everything. So they would have share Draupadi. The story starts off with the 5 Pandus hearing about the wedding assembly. They go and they ask the suitors, “Mark this bow, assembled monarchs, and the target hung an high,Through yon whirling piercéd discus let five glist'ning arrows fly,Whoso, barn of noble lineage, hits the far suspended aim,Let him stand and as his guerdon Drupad's beauteous maiden claim!" Aruja accomplishes the task and the story ends. Compared to the original, This story is alot more eloquent and beautiful. While it deserved in some places like the quote mentioned above, too much of it makes characters seem more distant.

(Arjuna , Websource: Quora)

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